Aviator Releases now in public beta
Automated workflows, cherry-pick failure handling, one-click deploys and a lot more
Aviator Releases
Aviator Releases provides unified dashboard to coordinate deployments, rollbacks and cherrypicks. It just got a major upgrade!
Reach out to us if you would like a personalized onboarding: howto@aviator.co.
One-click deployment and rollbacks
Fully automated deployment and rollback with one click. See diffs from the last deploy for that service and environment.
Split Changelog in Monorepos
Use glob patterns and file code paths to split the changelogs for each micro-service.
Verification Flow
Coordinates verifications of team’s PRs. Set which PR requires verification with GitHub label.
Scheduled Releases and Deployments
Automatically deploy to the specified environment on a cron schedule.
Automatic release versioning
Auto-generate release versions using Calver or Semver.
Cherry-pick to multiple release versions
Easily apply and track cherrypicks across all active releases. Remove any human errors from the workflow.
Guided cherry-pick conflicts resolution
Resolve cherry-pick conflicts using a PR and track both the original PR and the resolution PR in the Changelog.
Integrates with your existing CD
Currently supports integration with GitHub Action, Buildkite, and Webhook API. Fully control your pipeline and workflows with custom environment variables.
And a lot more
Use trunk based deployment or Git-flow (deploy from any branch)
Slack notifications for release events
Support for long-living release branches
Audit logs
Coming soon
Automated release and deploy pipeline
Remove bad changes from your release
Changelogs by affected targets